Fences / Screens

A really nice way of separating the entry to the house from the driveway without getting the “closed-in” feeling of a normal fence. Very simple to do. Very effective. Very in-expensive.

Different width boards used both horizontally and vertically and a stackstone feature wall make for a really interesting and stylish fence

These screens are hiding ugly plumbing and pumping equipment. Made from all recycled timber they do a wonderful job, becoming a feature in their own right.

Here's another really simple fence. The horizontal baords have been fixed "weatherboard" style and the posts have been built in such a way that they become feature in their own right and break up the "monotony" that could otherwise have existed here.

This is the old paling fence recycled and put to a new use in a small light well. The palings were attached horizontally instead of vertically for a dramatic effect.